The Ukrainian telecom company Vodafone made a contribution of 30 million UAH to support the scholarship grant program of the Kyiv School of Economics.

The charitable donation is aimed at educational assistance to talented young people and entrants who were forced to evacuate from temporarily occupied territories and zones of active hostilities.

Among the entrants who will receive financial assistance for higher education at KSE this year: high scorers of NMT (national multi-subject test), ambitious youth, children of servicemen and fallen soldiers, children of IDPs.

Thanks to charitable support, they will have the opportunity to study at an international university for free – the scholarship covers all academic years, as well as living in a co-living spaces.

Vodafone Ukraine supported education during the war at various levels. Last year, the mobile operator joined the All-Ukrainian program “ZAKHYSTOK: Safe Education” – an initiative to arrange shelters in schools and kindergartens, launched by the KSE Foundation. Today, more than 30 shelters have been repaired as part of the all-Ukrainian program.

KSE Foundation works daily to support people and the development of an innovative Ukraine through education, thanks to contributors and partners.