The jury of “Talents For Ukraine” identified three more Ukrainians who received grants from the KSE Foundation. Among them is the co-founder of an independent cultural area, the author of the “I am Ukrainian” project and a cultural blogger.

Mariia Yurchak is a co-founder of the creative cluster “Na poshti” and the first stand-up club in Ternopil, head of the NGO “Institute of Urban Culture”, art history teacher. During the coronavirus pandemic, she created the city’s only independent cultural area “Na poshti”. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, it has become a shelter for local residents and a shelter for 300 forced migrants. Despite all the challenges, Mariia managed to regularly hold art exhibitions, literary presentations, music concerts, festivals and humorous events. Currently, she wants to publish an illustrated textbook “Art History for Graphic Designers” and complete work on several literary projects.

Yulian Ulybin is a director, documentarian and author of the “I am Ukrainian” project, which tells about unique Ukrainians. His story about sculptor Mykola Holovan from Lutsk was included in the main program of the Cannes Short Film Festival 2021. Yulian shot the TV series “Children of Bomb Shelters”, which showed the war through the eyes of Ukrainian children. This content became part of the “TIME” magazine investigation about one of the most terrible tragedies of the war, which happened in the village of Yahidne, where the russians kept 365 people, 73 of them children and teenagers, in the basement of the school for a month. Yulian is also a co-author and director of the military documentary series “Chronicles of Fury”. Today, our winner is focused on the investigation of the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children to the territory of russia.

Sofiia Bezverkha is a philologist, cultural blogger, ambassador of all things Ukrainian, known as krapka.krapka. On social networks, the girl talks about the revival of Ukrainian culture and returning to her roots. Sofiia popularizes authentic clothing, traditional embroidery and forgotten stories of Ukrainian intellectuals. Our winner set herself the goal of reviving pride in being Ukrainian and continuing to inspire people to learn about their culture.

More about the Talents For Ukraine winners

KSE Foundation works daily to support people and the development of an innovative Ukraine through education, thanks to contributors and partners.