KSE AI Future Laboratory, together with the KSE Foundation, invites high school students to participate in a competition to work with ChatGPT!

The KSE Prompt Design Challenge is a competition to use artificial intelligence to solve practical problems. School teams from all over Ukraine are invited to participate, each team must consist of three students of grades 10-11.

You need to fill out the registration form by April 24 inclusive: https://forms.gle/SfnPH73br4b8Lvmk8

The event consists of two stages and will be held at the Kyiv School of Economics, for participants from other cities KSE Foundation will compensate for travel and accommodation expenses:

To participate in the competition with the help of a neural network, 10 teams will be chosen from among those who submit an application using the form above. Among them, certificates for $1,000, $2,000 and $4,000 will be drawn for the purchase of Apple equipment, and each participant will receive valuable prizes.

During the competition, the teams will receive tasks on a topic that will be presented at the workshop. Teams must create effective prompts in ChatGPT to solve the task, and their work must clearly describe the questions and expected or actual responses in ChatGPT. Requests to the language model must be original and not contain external ready-made prompts.

KSE Prompt Design Challenge – created in order to inspire the young generation to research the technologies of the future and prepare them for the challenges of the digital era, to promote the development and popularization of AI technology in educational institutions of Ukraine. KSE’s mission is to support students to achieve their dreams and empower them to make significant contributions to society.

KSE Foundation works daily to support people and the development of an innovative Ukraine through education, thanks to contributors and partners.