The jury of the “Talents for Ukraine” grant program from the KSE Foundation determined the new winner of the program – demographer Ella Libanova.
Mrs. Ella devoted her whole life to the study of demographic processes.
Ukrainian scientist in the field of socio-economics, demography and labor economics, doctor of economic sciences, professor, honored economist of Ukraine – the list of her achievements is far from exhaustive. Ella Libanova was three times awarded the Order of Princess Olga I, II and III degrees – a state award to honor women for special merits.
It was Mrs. Ella who introduced the method of measuring the human development of regions, which is used annually by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for calculations.
She is a member of the International Union of Demographers, a UN expert on demography, population aging and human development. She has more than 500 articles published in Ukrainian, foreign and international publications, including the UN, World Bank, UNICEF, IOM, ILO, Population Fund, Woodrow Wilson Center, etc. Ella Libanova’s research covers demography, gender and population aging issues, labor market, quality of life, human development, human capital formation and resilient economy.
For 16 years, she headed the Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, is the first woman – a member of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician-secretary of the Department of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, regularly lectures for students, politicians, and journalists. Under her leadership, 9 dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of doctor and 14 candidate of economic sciences were defended.
We are proud to see Mrs. Ella among the winners of “Talents for Ukraine”!
More than a hundred talented Ukrainians have already received grants from the KSE Foundation! More about them: https://foundation.kse.ua/en/talents-for-ukraine/all-winners