Three progressive Ukrainian women became winners of the «Talents For Ukraine» grant program and received grants for their own development. There is the co-founder of the Ukrainian Film Academy, the director of the «Shields Ukraine» and «Vsimdim» funds, and the designer of the «PODYH» brand.

Julia Sinkevych is a producer, co-founder of the Ukrainian Film Academy, head of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Institute. Long before the occupation of Crimea, she worked at the international music festival «Jazz Koktebel» and helped organize the international festival of contemporary art «GogolFest». As a producer, during the full-scale invasion, she completed the film «I, Nina» and organized the world premiere at the Tallinn Film Festival. Julia has now launched a new documentary project directed by Maryna Stepanska «Behind the scenes». Juliy’s goal is to promote Ukrainian cinema abroad, to attract foreign film professionals for co-production projects, to support Ukrainian talents, as well as to renew the Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine and return it to the influential status of the main creative association in the film industry.

Tetiana Kamenieva is the director of the «Shields Ukraine» and «Vsimdim» funds. In 2019, she founded the restaurant-social enterprise «Snow on the Head» in Kharkiv, where people with mental disabilities worked. And since the beginning of the great war, thanks to Tetiana, the Shields Ukraine fund appeared, which provides operational assistance to Ukrainian defenders personnel located in the hottest spots of Ukraine. During the year, benefactors collected about 70 million hryvnias, which were invested in the purchase and repair of military equipment, fuel, equipment and medicines. And her foundation «Vsimdim» produces mobile homes for families and creates an adaptation program for those who lost their homes during the war.

Daria Plaksiuk is a designer and founder of fashion-brand «PODYH». With the team she explores the architectural heritage and reinterprets it in clothes and accessories. Daria’s goal is to become a bridge between architecture and fashion, to inspire people to explore the world of architecture and discover its value. Our winner aims to create a platform where everyone can discover the incredible world of architecture and art.

More about the Talents For Ukraine winners

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