XTX Markets, a leading algorithmic trading firm, has made a substantial contribution of $500,000 to the “ZAKHYSTOK: Safe Education” project of the KSE Foundation – a charitable foundation of the Kyiv School of Economics. The project is establishing secure shelters in schools across Ukraine, ensuring the safety of children during air attacks and enabling uninterrupted high-quality offline education despite the ongoing war.

This contribution from XTX Markets will facilitate the establishment of shelters for at least 10,000 students and preschoolers.

“XTX Markets’ contribution is an investment in the safety of thousands of children, as well as in Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction. The presence of shelter facilities is not only essential for the resumption of offline learning, but also a crucial requirement due to Russia’s continuous shelling of civilian infrastructure, including numerous attacks on Ukrainian schools. Today 3,536 educational institutions in Ukraine have been damaged, with 337 of them completely destroyed,” – said Svitlana Denysenko, Director of KSE Foundation.

School basements offer some protection from the dangers of armed aggression, but only have walls and no ventilation system, appropriate flooring or electricity. Many do not meet the standards of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

Given that the safety of all participants in the educational process is a key requirement of Ukrainian education today, the KSE Foundation team is focusing its efforts on repairing school shelters. The project involves retrofitting schools with repairs that address common problems such as dampness, mold on walls, lack of flooring, ventilation, lighting, and toilets.

By partnering with the Kyiv School of Economics and contributing to the “ZAKHYSTOK: Safe Education” project, XTX Markets demonstrates its dedication to creating a safe and conducive learning environment for Ukrainian students. 

“Without bomb shelters, students cannot be in school. Without being in schools, students cannot learn as effectively or get the psychosocial support they need. Renovating bomb shelters is therefore a hugely important activity, in which the Kyiv School of Economics is showing great leadership,” – said Simon Coyle, Head of Philanthropy – XTX Markets.

The Kyiv School of Economics expresses its gratitude to XTX Markets for its generous contribution, which will directly benefit thousands of students and preschoolers across Ukraine. This collaboration underscores the power of partnerships in driving positive change and advancing educational opportunities for young generations.

For media inquiries, please contact: [email protected] 

About KSE Foundation:

The KSE Foundation is part of the Kyiv School of Economics family. Together with KSE University and the KSE Institute, it works to build the intellectual foundation for a strong and innovative Ukraine. The KSE Foundation has been recognized as one of the top 5 foundations that have raised the most funds for Ukrainians during the war, according to Forbes Ukraine, and was awarded The Golden Heart by the President of Ukraine.

About XTX Markets:

XTX Markets is a leading algorithmic trading firm which partners with counterparties, exchanges and e-trading venues globally to provide liquidity in the Equity, FX, Fixed Income, Futures and Commodity markets. XTX has over 190 employees based in London, Paris, New York, Mumbai, Yerevan and Singapore. XTX is consistently a top 5 liquidity provider globally in FX (Euromoney 2018-present) and is also the largest European equities (systematic internaliser) liquidity provider (Rosenblatt FY 2020-2022).

The company’s corporate philanthropy focuses on STEM education and maximum impact giving (alongside an employee matching programme) and supporting Ukraine. Since 2017, XTX has donated over £80 million to charities and good causes, establishing it as a major donor in the UK and globally.

KSE Foundation works daily to support people and the development of an innovative Ukraine through education, thanks to contributors and partners.