ZAKHYSTOK: Safe education
With the endorsement and support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, we are announcing a fundraiser to equip modern and safe shelters for Ukrainian schools.

The project ‘ZAKHYSTOK: Safe Education’ was launched in 2022 by the KSE Foundation, a charitable foundation of the Kyiv School of Economics, to restore the right of children in Ukraine to education in schools and kindergartens. The programme has become nationwide and equips with shelters in educational institutions across the country, allowing children to study offline, under the care of teachers and among their peers.
With your support, we have already equipped 91 shelters in towns and villages, covering 13 regions of Ukraine.
As a result, nearly 35,000 children have returned to offline classes at their schools and kindergartens.
In September 2024, we are launching a new stage of the initiative to support schoolchildren and preschoolers in villages and towns across the country. Together with you, we will equip shelters so that children can return to their desks and catch up on their studies.
More information about the project on the website at the link: https://foundation.kse.ua/en/safe-education/