75 students of the Pereselenska gymnasium in Kyiv region and 40 kindergarteners have returned to offline studying — a school renovation was implemented thanks to the initiative of Karin Maandi, an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia.

Karin’s friends Tiina Meri, Heli Hirsch and Hain Rebas joined the organization to raise funds as well. They have managed to raise more than USD 7 500 for the children of Ukraine!

On behalf of the schoolchildren, their teachers, and parents, the team of the charity foundation of the Kyiv School of Economics expresses its sincere gratitude for your contribution and kind heart.

Repair of the shelter was carried out by the KSE Foundation as part of the All-Ukrainian program “ZAKHYSTOK: Safe Education”.

Repairs included:

  • the fire-hazardous wooden floor was dismantled and a cement-sand screed was installed,
  • new doors,
  • repairs of staircase and a metal handrail installation,
  • new ventilation and lighting, 
  • openings of the windows were closed with blocks, 
  • all surfaces were treated and painted,
  • 17 soft benches were purchased.

For many years, the basement of the rural educational institution was used as a storage space, there was no ventilation inside, recalls the director of the Pereselenska gymnasium, Zinaida Balatska.

The lack of an equipped shelter did not allow the school to resume lessons for all children, which had a particularly negative impact on the academic performance of students in inclusive classes. There are two such students at the Pereselenska gymnasium: a second-grader and an eighth-grader. It is important for them to work with the school psychologist and assistant teachers, says Zinaida Balatska.

The period of online education, the director says, was accompanied by numerous difficulties not only for them, but also for all participants of the educational process:

“Not all children even have the opportunity to attend an online lesson from a computer because not everyone can afford it. Now, thanks to generous donors, our gymnasium has returned schoolchildren to studying.”

Any school or kindergarten that needs one can apply for a shelter repair from the KSE Foundation. For that, you need to fill out the form at the link: https://foundation.kse.ua/en/safe-education. On the same page, you can make a charitable contribution to support the initiative.

KSE Foundation works daily to support people and the development of an innovative Ukraine through education, thanks to contributors and partners.