A mathematician, a marine researcher, and an inventor – these three people were united by the second stage of the #TalentsForUkraine grant program. Congratulations to the new winners!

⭐️ Rostyslav Hryniv is a professor at UCU and the University of Rzeszów in Poland, Doctor of Science. He is a senior researcher at the Y.S. Pidstryhach Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He taught at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, University of Calgary (Canada), University of Kentucky (Lexington, USA). Laureate of the President of Ukraine Prize for Young Scientists, Humboldt Foundation. Author of more than 80 scientific articles in the field of functional analysis.

“Don’t be afraid to experiment and don’t stop learning!” Rostyslav urges.

⭐️ Mariia Pavlovska is a marine microbiologist at the National Antarctic Research Center of Ukraine who has been researching the environment and marine ecosystems for 17 years. She is currently actively studying the microbiome of the Black Sea and the Southern Ocean. In 2019, she participated in an expedition to the Akademik Vernadsky station. In 2022, Maria became a biodiversity project expert and conducted a study to assess the impact of the destruction of the Kakhovka HPP dam on the microbiological pollution of the Black Sea. The researcher is also an active popularizer of science, collaborating with the InScience and Stem is Fem projects and conducting lectures for children about the Black Sea as part of the EMBLAS project.

“By investing in children’s education now, we are contributing to creating a successful future for Ukraine,” emphasizes Maria.

⭐️ Leonid Boyko is an inventor and author of the Smart Fire Department project. Leonid manages the Center for Operational Communication, Electronic Communications and Information Technology at the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Mykolaiv Oblast. He is the author of the Smart Fire Station project, which won first place in the Newest Technologies nomination at the 8th Competition for Inventive and Innovative Works in the Field of Civil Protection in 2022. Thanks to Leonid’s project, Mykolaiv fire stations have already been automated, and the inventor is constantly improving the system to make it scale across Ukraine.

“If you have a dream, it is already 90% of the result. If you have a desire, add another 9%. The only step left is to start realizing it,” says Leonid.

Learn more about the winners of Talents For Ukraine

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