Three new winners of the “Talents for Ukraine” grant program! This is an advocate who collects evidence of russian crimes, a reading expert and publisher of the popular science media “Kunsht”. Each of them received a $5,000 grant from the KSE Foundation for their own development.

Yurii Bilous – an advocate who collects evidence of russian crimes on the territory of Ukraine and defends victims of war crimes in Ukrainian courts. Previously, he was engaged in commercial advocacy, but after the start of the war, he already collected hundreds of hours of video recordings with the stories of Ukrainians who survived murders, torture, witnessed the occupation, saw with their own eyes the destruction of civilian objects and other violations of the rules of war. These materials will be used in cases against russia at the International Criminal Court in The Hague and in criminal cases against the russian military in Ukraine. Last year, our winner became a laureate of the National Human Rights Award for a special contribution to the protection of human rights in Ukraine.

Tetiana Orlyk – a reading expert. Tetiana helps to read better and make reading a habit through personal consultations and lectures. She is included in the Ukrainian Forbes 30 under 30 list and twice won the Peter Drucker Challenge international essay competition on the topic of management.

Kyrylo Beskorovainyi – co-founder and publisher of the popular science media “Kunsht”, author of the popular science book “My Friend from Dark Matter”, co-author and co-composer of the musical “Tyhrolovy”. Kyrylo publishes the media, whose team has created hundreds of scientific articles, and the podcast “You will have science”, which has more than two million downloads. Together with the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Kyrylo’s team launched 5 educational series on artificial intelligence for school children, data analytics courses and a programming course for beginners.

Read more about more than 100 of our winners

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