Thanks to Talents For Ukraine by KSE Foundation, today we’re introducing you to a new trio of winners who are changing Ukraine for the better with their efforts.

⭐️ Tetiana Khodakivska is a Ukrainian director who actively works on repatriating deported children to Ukraine and countering propaganda. Within her project, she directs efforts toward protecting identity and combating false narratives that threaten Ukrainian children. The documentary film she is currently working on, both as a director and one of the producers, is based on real stories of children who have successfully returned from deportation or illegal detention in territories controlled by Russia.

«We should help others, whether materially, by creating a film, or by teaching someone something», Tetiana comments.

⭐️ Oleksii Ignatenko is a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor at Ukrainian Catholic University, associate professor at NAUKMA and KAU. He participates in numerous research projects and discussions on various aspects of scientific problems. Among his scientific interests are game theory, agent models, and machine learning. Our winner dreams of writing a book on game theory in Ukrainian, believing that educational materials should be accessible to a wide range of readers. Oleksii is convinced of the potential of continuous learning and self-improvement.

 «What helps achieve success? Probably the ability not to give up when something doesn’t work out», notes Oleksii.

⭐️ Andrii Palash is the сo-founder of the NGO Kultura Medialna, which supports the cultural development of Ukraine, focusing on contemporary and media arts, as well as shaping public spaces in Dnipro. He is working on changing the cultural paradigm of the city and has already implemented a number of successful projects, including the construction of the cultural space «Stage». This project has become a popular venue for cultural events and has received international recognition. Additionally, Andrii has successfully launched the Dnipro Center for Contemporary Culture (DCCC), which hosts art residencies, exhibitions, and festivals.

«Changing the local cultural environment, exploring it, and rethinking it is what motivates me to wake up every morning and take action», Andrii shares.

KSE Foundation works daily to support people and the development of an innovative Ukraine through education, thanks to contributors and partners.