Today, we are excited to introduce two new winners of Talents for Ukraine! Brothers Vyacheslav and Ilya Rybachyk are school students, developers, and competition winners. These young activists are working together to develop applications aimed at improving the environment. Additionally, together with his brother Ilya, Ihor successfully represents Ukraine at international competitions. The boys have already won silver medals at the international competitions INTARG and INFOMATRIX.

⭐️ Ilya Rybachyk is a champion for an ecological future. Ilya created the app “Do It Yourself Ecologist,” which allows users to choose actions to improve the environment, and “E-dermatologist,” which uses a smartphone camera and artificial intelligence to diagnose skin diseases. He is also involved in raising public awareness about the importance of ecological issues by publishing articles in various outlets and participating in conferences. During the war, this Talents for Ukraine winner developed a protective system for a tactical combat helmet with a laser radiation light indicator, which won first place at the “Eco-Techno” competition and the All-Ukrainian Invention and Innovation Projects competition, and has also applied for a patent for this product.

“The best lesson my father taught me is the importance of continuous learning. Success without knowledge is impossible,” Ilya comments.

⭐️ Vyacheslav Rybachyk, on the other hand, is interested in creating new technologies that will change our lives for the better. He sees programming as a tool to implement ideas that benefit humanity. Vyacheslav developed the board game “City Zero Waste,” which fosters critical thinking and ecological habits for environmental conservation. He also developed a mobile app for controlling food waste, emphasizing that food waste is not only lost food but also a waste of resources such as energy, water, land, human labor, and capital. Additionally, with the onset of the war and blackouts, our winner started exploring autonomous energy sources. Vyacheslav converted a computer uninterruptible power supply into an inverter-type power source, which won first place in the second stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-defense of the Minor Academy of Sciences.

“Programming is an opportunity to create things that are useful to other people. And these things can truly change the world,” Vyacheslav emphasizes.

Read more about the Talents For Ukraine winners

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