2022 is coming to an end, so it is time to take stock of this difficult but fruitful year for the KSE Foundation. From the first day of the full-scale Russian invasion, we realized that the activities of the Foundation needed changes.

On the first day of war, Svitlana Denysenko, the director of the KSE Foundation, was called by Liubov Halan, who has been volunteering since the days of the Maidan, with a request for help. Her acquaintances from the territorial defense brigade said that they had a critically lack of protective ammunition. The guys then had only homemade wooden plates instead of body armor. 

We decided to raise funds from the KSE community. But even then we realized that such cases are not isolated and expanded the Foundation and its competences.

Together with one of our biggest benefactors, McKinsey, we managed to build a volunteer team of almost 70 people. They were professional managers and businessmen who helped us establish a procurement system and logistics by investing their time.

So in 3 days we already had invoices for 500 helmets and vests. We checked with the main military headquarters whether they were of acceptable quality. 

Lots of the projects we implemented belong to areas of activity in which we previously had no experience, but we enlisted the support of lots of our friends and partners who helped us at various stages of our campaigns:

  • In partnership with the Volunteer Center “East” handed over 60 pickup trucks to the front line; 
  • only in cooperation with Data And Aid Tech, more than $100,000 was collected for purchase of first-aid kits, and in general, thanks to our benefactors, we collected $4,173,822 for purchase of necessary medical supplies;
  • with the organizational and logistical support of HelpUA.ch, we purchased and handed over 30,000 medical bandages to the front line;
  • together with the fund “Nova Ukraine” fund, we purchased 25,000 tourniquets and 4,000 first aid kits.

The Foundation also participated in more experimental NFT projects, such as Mint for Ukraine and Pitch In For Ukraine.

So, from a purely academic charitable Foundation, we turned into a Foundation that quickly and flexibly responds to needs of the state and citizens.

During this year, our benefactors from Ukraine and abroad donated more than 39 million dollars to us. KSE Foundation once again thanks to all benefactors, business representatives and ordinary citizens who supported our activities. Without your support, we would not be able to work for the victory of Ukraine!

Thanks to the contributions of benefactors, we transferred to the needs of the army:

  • 5,035 vests;
  • 12,421 protective helmets;
  • 19,500 armored plates;
  • 38,264 first-aid kits and 41,495 tourniquets for them;
  • 41 cars went to the front line to help our defenders;
  • handed over 851 drones, and this is not a complete list of what went to our defenders in the hottest spots.

Our largest projects in 2022 became the restoration of the Makariv dispensary and the “Safe Education” program. 

When Makariv returned to Ukrainian control, we set ourselves the goal of restoring its medical infrastructure. The project for the reconstruction of the Makariv dispensary is implemented by KSE together with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Kyiv Regional State Administration, the Makariv Primary Health Care Center and Ukrgasbank.

Carlsberg Ukraine, Energy Resources of Ukraine, Chernovetskyi Investment Group, SOCAR, and Visa have already contributed to reconstruction of the dispensary. 

Today, this project is approaching its final stage. We believe that soon the renovated outpatient clinic will open its doors to thousands of patients. You can read the latest news about the project at the link

We launched “Safe Education” at the beginning of September. A significant part of the educational institutions did not have shelters that had appropriate standards for the stay of children there. By the end of the year, we have already equipped 9 shelters, 7 are in the active phase of work, and 2,605 students have already had the opportunity to study in an offline format. Therefore, next year, hundreds more institutions will receive modern shelters. 

We encountered tremendous support and interest in our project. In almost 4 months, we raised more than 1.2 million dollars to equip schools. Raiffeisen Bank, FUIB, Dragon Capital, Farmak, Kyivstar, OKKO and hundreds of international and Ukrainian benefactors supported us with their contributions. Initially, we planned to renovate 100 educational institutions, in November we raised the final goal to 300 institutions! 

You can make your contribution or apply using the link

Finally, at the end of autumn, we launched another important project – “Army Defense Innovations”. This initiative is aimed at correcting systemic problems in the defense sector of our state.

Together with each team member, volunteer and partner, we succeeded in 2022:

  • to enter the TOP-50 charitable organizations and receive the “Golden Heart” award from the President of Ukraine;
  • to take 3rd place in terms of fundraising efficiency according to Forbes Ukraine;
  • to take the 4th place in the Forbes Ukraine rating among non-governmental foundations and public organizations that most effectively raise funds to support Ukrainians and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

All our work this year was based on the principle of complete transparency.

In May 2022, we created the Advisory Council of the Humanitarian Direction of KSE. All donors whose charitable contribution exceeds $200 have the right to participate in the Council. Members of this body can approve projects of the Foundation’s humanitarian program, monitor the transparency of its work, the expediency of spending money, and plan our activities together. 

In August, the KSE Foundation invited auditors from the Crowe company to audit our activities during the 5 months of the war. In addition, we provide detailed reports on each of our charity projects.

Information on KSE reports

Audit results

KSE Foundation thanks to everyone who supported us in 2022. We are going to 2023 to work even harder for Ukraine’s victory in the war together with you!

KSE Foundation works daily to support people and the development of an innovative Ukraine through education, thanks to contributors and partners.