The grant program Talents for Ukraine by KSE Foundation continues to support Ukraine’s brightest talents! Today, we introduce you to three winners who are actively contributing to the development of science and culture in Ukraine.
⭐️Ivan Kyrchei holds a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences degree. He is the author of over 100 scientific works in the field of algebra, including 4 edited books and 13 chapters in collections. He has been awarded a Hirsch index of 22 in the Scopus database, which is the highest in Ukraine in the «Algebra» category. Currently, our awardee is working on research within the framework of a joint Ukrainian-Israeli scientific project, «Applications of Quaternions in Laplacian Gaussian Graph Models and Graph Neural Networks». Ivan is also ranked among the top 2 % of the most cited scientists in the world according to Elsevier.
«The best thing about being a mathematician-researcher is the opportunity to build rigorously proven logical mathematical structures and be 100 % confident in their timeless solidity», comments Ivan.
⭐️Bohdan Ostash is a specialist in bacterial genetics who has devoted his life to developing tools for the discovery and enhancement of natural antibiotic production by bacteria. Our winner actively collaborates with Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies, particularly with «Farmak,” to turn his scientific discoveries into concrete solutions and strengthen the links between scientific research and practical application. He is interested in studying programming languages as a tool for biological research and constantly expands his knowledge to make a greater contribution to the field of science.
«Calm daily perseverance is your fourth and most important assistant, without which the other three — your intellect, physical strength, and friends — would be helpless», says Bohdan.
⭐️Ivan Zotsenko is an archaeologist renowned for his work in preserving archaeological heritage. He creates 3D models and hosts public events to popularize archaeological sites. Our winner has joined the “First National Rapid Response Team in the Cultural Sector of Ukraine”, established by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and the international organization ICCROM for the preservation and restoration of cultural treasures. Under his leadership, the Archaeological Monitoring Expedition has surveyed over 300 archaeological sites in the Kyiv region.In addition, Ivan has initiated projects to popularize archaeology through the creation of mini-films and scientific rescue missions.
«It’s essential to clearly define your goals to avoid wasting time on unnecessary things», comments Ivan.
More about the Talents For Ukraine winners