Introducing the new winners of the Talents for Ukraine program! These Ukrainians impress us with their ideas and achievements, and we are excited to share their stories with you.

⭐️ Anastasiia Apetyk is a lawyer and cybersecurity expert. She is the co-founder of the NGO «MINZMIN», the startup Safebot, and the Cyber Gate platform. Anastasiia advises companies and organizations on cybersecurity issues, conducts cyber audits, develops policies and training programs, including the online safety section on the Dia.Education portal. She has been listed in the «Top 30 Under 30» by Kyiv Post and has received prestigious international awards. Currently, Anastasiia is focused on creating a safe digital environment in Ukraine through education, innovation, and policy.

«Life has taught me to make decisions quickly and move forward, combining discipline with freedom», Anastasiia comments.

⭐️Davyd Kuzmych is a technology teacher and deputy principal at Boryslav Lyceum. He has won numerous competitions and has been awarded a Commendation from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. A young scientist and a PhD student at Drohobych State Pedagogical University, Davyd leads the STEM team at the lyceum and implements various projects, such as «Millionaire Constructor,” which explores the oil industry, «Sustainability,” which recreates an ecosystem, and «Galactic Empire,” which presents an innovative interactive model of the Solar System. Davyd works on improving conditions for the development of STEM and computer science in the educational process and supports projects for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and orphans.

«Time is the most valuable resource we have. It cannot be returned, so it is important to use it wisely», says Davyd.

⭐️Oleksii Kyrychenko is a cultural figure and the owner of the indie label «GRAY». He reinterprets Ukrainian cultural heritage through music, writes original compositions, and creates remakes of Ukrainian funk from the 1970s and ’80s. Our winner believes that only high-quality Ukrainian alternatives and educational activities can counteract the influence of russian culture. Currently, he is working on musical projects based on the poems of poets from the Executed Renaissance era.

«For me, success is when your favorite thing is your job», Oleksii comments.

More about the Talents For Ukraine winners

KSE Foundation works daily to support people and the development of an innovative Ukraine through education, thanks to contributors and partners.