Three new winners join the ranks of Talents for Ukraine by the KSE Foundation! Ukrainians whose talent and determination contribute to the development and prosperity of our country.

⭐️ Maksym Koniukh is an activist and public figure. He founded one of the largest beekeeping operations in the Sumy region and actively promotes the cultural and historical heritage of his village, Vorhol. He organized the clearing and research of a unique pyramid tomb from 1900 and founded the NGO «Vorhol» , which focuses on cultural, ecological, and educational projects, including a children’s eco-camp. He develops tourist routes in the «Seimsky» Regional Landscape Park and opened the «LocoMotive» space, which has become a center for honey production, cultural events, and apitherapy — the restoration of mental and physical health through interaction with bees.

«Strategies that lead to success are determination, persistence, and integrity,» shares Maksym.

⭐️Mariana Danchenko (Golovko) is a vocalist and cultural figure with over 15 years of experience in various music genres. She has collaborated with Nova Opera, particularly in the production of IYOV, which has been recognized as one of the best contemporary operas in the world. In 2014, she created the radio project The Club of Noble Singers focused on women’s vocal heritage, and in 2017, she launched the program Eternally Green, which revived forgotten Ukrainian songs from the 1960s in jazz arrangements. These projects formed the foundation of the initiative The Great Ukrainian Songbook, aimed at reviving Ukraine’s musical heritage.

«Sticking to oneself and one’s choices is a life lesson I’m striving to master,» emphasizes Maryana.

⭐️Olena Shulga is the co-founder of the STEM initiative Engineering Week, which promotes science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in schools. The project launched in 2019 and, by 2024, had reached 1,902 schools, including institutions abroad. It fosters the development of STEM skills and self-reliance, particularly through tasks focused on energy efficiency, inclusivity for students with special educational needs, and project-based learning. Olena is also the author of the book Ours: The Engineering History of Ukraine, which features 50 stories about Ukrainians whose discoveries amazed the world and accelerated the advancement of global science. The book was a finalist for the BolognaRagazzi Award. Additionally, Olena leads the Plan.Action initiative, which helps teenagers address community challenges through engineering solutions.

«The world may not become perfect anytime soon, but with your involvement, it can certainly become a little better,» comments Olena.

More about the Talents For Ukraine winners

KSE Foundation works daily to support people and the development of an innovative Ukraine through education, thanks to contributors and partners.